(That means I wasn't happy about it.)
My son's only at the Mite level but he's doing well and seems content. Why does he want to be the goalie?
Goalie is the position they have to draw straws for at this age. All the kids switch off playing goalie because most of them hate it and suck at it.
Not my son. He had one pretty good game and he loved it.
Yes, I want him to be happy but hockey is competitive in Minnesota. If he loses 2 months of ice time, he'll fall behind and may be stuck in that stinkin' net forever!
Plus it's nerve wracking when the game rides on your kid. It's not even fun to watch. I pee a little every time the opposing team even comes close to him. I start praying out loud and biting my nails and grabbing the sleeve of the poor, unsuspecting stranger who had the misfortune to sit next to me. It's awful.
But that's not the worst part. See, I've known a lot of goalies in my life. (Shutup.) They're nuts! And eventually, alcoholic.
Why is my baby drawn to that place? What does this mean?????
Well, my brother calmed me down about all that, then told me to watch this video.
It's about a Canadian hockey goalie who has loftier aspirations than most. It's also FRIGGIN' HYSTERICAL. And a sense of humor is the dreamiest quality ever. (Yes, I know it's fictional. Yes, I know that the guy in the video is an actor, but he's also a real hockey player [I Googled him] AND he's a real, hilarious hockey player at that. Quite the combo. If he went to my high school, I'd have way more kids in their twenties besides the one.
If my little goalie turns out to be smart and cool and funny like Clark The Canadian Hockey Goalie, I'm okay with that.
Go watch it, hosers. Then give me a "shote".
Copyright © Lynda Crotty Radio, Inc.
look here, i just started reading your blog and already peeing a little every entry i read. i want to say more, i gots witty comments, but i know too much ....all i can say is those kids are badd assssseesss cuz you my friend!