I brought my broccoli back to Whole Foods yesterday and calmly told the girl at the Customer Service counter about the worm. She shuddered and then I did too and as we were doing the girly-skeezed out-worm dance, the Produce guy came up and asked what the fuss was about. We both told him about the worm and he looked at us like we were the biggest wha-wha babies he'd ever met.
Then he said that worms in broccoli were totally normal and all I had to do was submerge the broccoli in water, drowning the worms, which would then float to the surface and I could happily eat my worm-free broccoli. (Faint. Hurl. Faint again.) Is it just me or do intentionally drowned broccoli worms bug you more than regular broccoli worms?
Anyway, I'm gonna do it because I'd rather eat worms than pesticide. That's not true, I'd rather not eat either but worms are the lesser of those two evils for me. It's like that joke boys used to tell girls in grade school. "Would you rather slide down a razor blade or kiss a rabbit between the ears?" Of course the girls said, "Kiss a rabbit between the ears." And then the boy would promptly pull his pockets inside out of his pants. Get it? I haven't kissed a rabbit since.
I digress. The moral? Whole Foods is still awesome. Worms are gross. (But normal.) Broccoli is good. Don't kiss rabbits.
Copyright © Lynda Crotty Radio, Inc.
He sure is a cute little thing up close. He looks a lot cuter up above than that other shitty photo you posted of him sleeping next to that dime.